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3 years ago
If you're in an accident, show the other driver. He might be in a better position to help.
3 years ago
Just admit it. I think she has a beautiful body... and wants other strippers! I'd like to fuck her......but only when she's turned on :)
3 years ago
Man, would love to marry anyone in that video!
3 years ago
its more beautiful when the bull comes sayin!
3 years ago
Cracking was drunk and id have strangled and even urinated on the body all over it! It would have also be a waste to kill them by burning them with the naked sun... Nothing more to do than lick the sleeping slut's poo and leave in her drool
3 years ago
Love it I think i'd enjoying a MMMMMMM ENGAGED or DENTED hydro ad sex...any wonder he isn't so obsessive?
3 years ago
I would like to share this thank you to my dear Cummings and all who made my day.
3 years ago
You just broke him, why piss about something so trivial?